I arrived around 2:00pm today, greeted by the good people who have been at the occupation site this past week. I see some familiar faces and some new ones.
Local candidates for office are here and spoke at the podium to address our call for President Biden to declare a climate emergency.
Earlier in the day, camaraderie abound with games of cornhole, music and talk of a better, brighter future.
Local activists Terrell Williams, Eric Morrison and Becca Cotto gave speeches reinforcing the point that significant action cannot wait and it is up to Joe Biden, through executive order, to save what is left of our planet.
Seeds for Peace catered the event with a delicious sweet potato and tempeh stew, tahini slaw, rice and a delectable cake.
We marched to the entrance of the president’s Delaware estate singing “People are going to rise” and chanting “declare a climate emergency.” Secret service warned us of a wild fox in the vicinity.
Ed. Note: This has been edited at the author’s request.